The Spreepark was an amusement park in Berlin Treptow-Köpenick that opened in 1969, during the DDR (Deutsche Demokratische Republik) time.
It was called Kulturpark Plänterwald and it was next to the Spree river, within a big area of about 24 hectares.

It was finally completed in 1991, right after Germany’s reunification and the contract went to Spreepark Berlin GmbH, which added new attractions and reached more visitors.

With time, the park suffered a few modifications and transformed into a more Western-style amusement park. The Spreepark had very famous attractions like the Ferris wheel (that still can be seen from the other part of the river), roller coasters, a stage, a Western town, and more.

Since 1999 the park started receiving fewer visitors and the debts increased. Three years later, in 2002, it was announced it was insolvent and closed to visitors.

Sadly, the area fell into disrepair and started to get vandalized: today it’s an abandoned amusement park, full of graffiti and a big decay sensation.
Some tours have been offered to the public since 2011, though many people have entered illegally into the park.

It wasn’t until 2014 when the City of Berlin bought the Spreepark and chose Grün Berlin to restore it.
Today only a few relics of the old park remain like the red Ferris wheel, the village and a roller coaster, but the Spreepark still catches the attention of the curious ones.

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